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Pride of Power Option 2.png

Thank you to everyone who competed, volunteered, and was able join us!  It was a great comp and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2023!

POP Weights And Events Table.jpg

This contest of power will feature 5 grueling tests of strength:

    1. Axle Press - start at the same weight,
10 lb jumps, 3 attempts


    2. Deadlift Medley - 1 rep 18" axle,
1 rep conventional,
finish time frame hold.
1 minute to complete


    3. Hammer Hold - Unsupported arms extended to side of body, longest hold wins

4. Yoke/Tire Medley - 60 ft yoke carry to
60 ft tire flip, fastest time wins

5. Sandbag Series - (Women - 42", Men - 52")

        Sandbag lightest to heaviest:

Lightest - 60 ft carried over bar
Medium - 30 ft carried over bar
Heavy - 15 ft carried over bar



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